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Chillicothe Gazette from Chillicothe, Ohio • 3

Chillicothe Gazette from Chillicothe, Ohio • 3

Chillicothe, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TilE DAILY SCIOTO GAZETTE, riJIDAV, 1, 1lH- 3. Going to the 5prings Hon. James K. McClung wait the I A SPRIG OF JEFFERSON Nervea Uke Klnt Irou A woman who mitfired for thrttf yearn from nervous prostration, saya two bottle of Uchty't Colory Nerve Compitmul effected a complete cure. She hardly knows to-day whether she) has nerve or not, as she never feU them.

It Ih certainly a wonderful lemedy. Sold by W. F. Bulzhacher and II. V.

Sprout. Advise guest Thursday evening of Mr. John Wilson, the agent of the U. S. Express in this city, while en routn to Sulphur Lick Springs for week's May.

Suffering Women. Strongly, to Take Doctor tierce's Favorite They were never so hlKh an now. Even tanned goods, which at this season of yenr are usually offered for almost anything they will brim? to char oat the shelves for new stot ks arc at 10 per cent, and for some 110 pei- cent higher than the winter price two years ago. Tho In the price of cheap clothing Is scarcely noticeable It Is said. Certain kinds of garments arc telling lower than ever before.

Others have suffered a sharp advance. The avnitce standard goods at ready stores itre said to be slightly higher a year ago, the advance ropre-i-eiiting the Increased cost of labor. WAS ESTON HEMINGS 4 HEINE'S BtuuHarn uteut. 10c. per pound.

Our finest home made irnd at 15i per pound la guaranteed in be extra fine "-uallty. MOSHETT3. FAST LINK of Birmingham and New OrleanB. Two fust trains daily. Prescription.

This advice comes from a woman who had suffered all the miseries liOWSON PHARMACY The Gazette's Delver Into the Past Brings up a Romantic Natural Son of the Sage of the Traits of Good Training. The fiumen Lottery "Ah, If only I were iM-mitlful how liP7 life would bt." women can suffer from jj disease, and had been nerfectlv and Tiermre-1 I ine committee nnds luttlilng cheap i 6 I Munv a forlorn maid has fll this as she er than it was five years ago. The average, therefore, must show an ad looked into the mirror. For beauty women hnvesacriiired homr, love nml mentis, ins the one possession in the lottery of human lie which women would not reus "About sixty years ago, there came nently cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription.

This great medicine for women establishes regularity, dries weakening drains, heals inflammation and ulceration and cures female weakness. Read Mrs. Kempson's letter and, if you are sick, follow her advice. BRADFIELD'S FemaJe Regulator REFRESHING AND DELICIOUS" Are words that wo of ton h'ir after people havu tried Orange Phosphate At our fountain. riiosphate is so common that it takoN Homothinp extra to call fortli hiicIi re-inarkH.

The secret of ours iH that wo are careful to have fresh sjrups nuule from he best materials we can find Fresh syrup means syrup made no longer than the day before you taste it vance, for very few prices remain stationary. While Its members are not yet ready to make a prediction as to details, they all agree that the cost ti 'living among the working classes has fully kept up with the increase in Wildes. HAMMOCKS-All sizes, new cola's, hooks, ropes, etc. 1IOUNEY CIIAt AiAN. A I'rectmt Ion Don't norlect a cold.

It is worw-th unpleasant. It Is dangerous. Ily using One Minute Cough Cure you tun cine it at once. Allays lnllanvma-tii clears the head, soothes ami ttreiigthens the mucous membrane. Ciues Coughs, croup, throat and lurii troubles.

Absolutely safe. Acts lin-medintelv, ChiHren like it. W. V. Sulzhacher.

Heiiihy. from Monticello, Virginia, to Chilli-tothe, a remarkably- fine looking colored man and his family. Eston Hem-ings whs of a light bronze color, a little over sis feet tall, well proportioned, very erect and dignified; his nearly straight hair showed a tinl of auburn, and his face indistinct suggestion of freckles. Quiet, unobtrusive, polite and decidedly intelligent, ho was soon very well and favorably known to all classes of our citizens, for his personal appearance and gentlemanly manners attracted everybody's attention to him. And when it was rumored that listen llemings was a natural son of President Thomas Jefferson, a good many people accepted the story as truth, from the Intrinsic evidence of his striking resem for younRRirlson the threshold ni womanhood, has been invaluable.

When they -come pale and languid, the eves dul1. aching head, feet and hands cold. appi-'. f.e gone or abnormal, obstructed periods nm! pain'ul menses, and their K-ieral-v run down, they need building up, and their blood needs clean'ni, Kradfletd's Female later for wwn is particularly valuable and ovvifiK to its tonic properties to build i.p ttn. and as a rcsniiitor flows.

Painful, obstructed nml sw.l menstruation relieved hsiu oil diseases peculiar to her genital or-uus tuc curod hy it. Regulator clears the complexion, brightens the eye, bhar pens the appetite, removi-'N muddy blotched condi: ions of tho skit-, nn.l cm es sick headache to a certainty by removing the Of druiDfists $Ui per bottle. PorfeVt Health for Women is free and will be mailed ou recoipt of address. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOH CO. 0 Atlanta, C- "Although it has beeu quite a time since I wrote you," says Mrs.

Freil Keiupsoti, of Cambria, Hillsilale Box 57, "still yourname is a blcssingin our house, awl I think it my duty to let yon know that I am still enjoying good health, thanks to you and your Favorite When I think how 1 was five vears ago, and then see how I am now, I say, God bless Dr. Pierce's works, and may he live long to help poor suffering women. I have never had any return of mv weakness and am well anil hearty. Can do all my own work without any pain. You saved me from the grave when all others failed.

I advise suffering women strongly, to take Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, as I know it will cure in all cases, if indeed there is a cure." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are an excellent laxative, suited to the use of delicate women. A. B.

HOWSON, Carlisle-Block. A McNLlLlS. blance to Jefferson. So -striking was the likeness, that on one occasion the writer of this sketch, in company with the late Addison Pearson, 'Edward Adams, Gen. James Ryan and Seneca New Firms 0F PLAN NOW run COLORADO.

THR BUULINOTONS extensive scheme of summer tours. The llur-Iington Rente makes the' most attractive excursion rntcs to Colorado Retorts that have ever been made. For long periods of the Summer we make Euch remarkably low first class round trip rates to Denver, Colorado Springs and Manltou, as $21.00 from St. Louis, $15.00 from Kansas City, $:5.00 from WHAT WE KNOW OF THE MILLER GHS RHNGE SPETNAGEL LIMLE out well paid employment in this vicinity. Labor is vtry "caree.

The newspapers are full of advertiseauen! i for working men and women of all trades and occupations. The bul-tins that hang at the doors of the in-ttlligehce offices are all for help wanted. Wages for ordinary labor are row $1.50 a day, as against $1.25 and $1 one or two years ago. The improvement among mechanics and every ether class of wage earners has been A it is the onlv all steel Gas 'Ranee in the Chicago; good all Summer; at other periods, only one fare plus $3.00 round trip. Til W.

Ely, while going from Pennsylvania avenue to the White Mouse, came upon the bronze statue of Jefferson, which is located upon the broad walk leading from the avenue to the mansion. 'Gentlemen, who in Chillicothe looks most like that statute?" I asked. "Instanly came the unanimous an market; the baking is simply perfect and cannot be ex CHRAP TO PACIFIC COAST, TOO. May 27th to June 8th, August 2ud to The Tinners. 8th.

Round trip good 00 days, var celled by any other range; THAT the broiling is grand, broiling any kind of a steak in from seven to ten minutes. A it is as economical as any gas range made, THAT it is durable and simply constructed, similar. Hence, with more money to spend, their rcquii ements have become greater, "and the dealers from whom they are accustomed to buy their supplies have been able to charge them higher prices and sell them more soo ls. Slate and Tin Roofing and Spouting. Job Work a Specialty.

All Work Given Personal Attention. rang A it is the handsomest and finest 2 ever built; THAT you must see this range to appreciate it. iable routes; from St. $47.60, from Chicago $50.00, Missouri Illvor nil lower than the one-way rate; only $11.00 more between Frisco and Portland; first class, good In chair cars 'seats free), standard fleepers or Through Tourist Sleeper Excursions. Chief Coast route, the Burlington to Denver, through Scenic Colorado, Salt Lake.

COOL MINNESOTA. 10,000 lakes; scores of the coolest and bc-s Summer localities In the frequent periods of low Summer rates. Apply to nearest Ticket Assent, or write us of your proposed trip, whether to Colorado, Pacific Coast, Yellowstone Park, Minnesota, and let us advise you least cost and assist, you. Send for our handsome Colorado or California 1902 publications free. W.

AL SHAW, P. P. A 406 Vino Street, Cincinnati Ohio. L. W.

WAKELEY, Oen'l Pass'r Agpnt, St. Mo. C. M. LEVY, Genernl Manager.

St. Louis. Mo a McNElLIS 05-97 East, Sen nd Street. NO. 137 EAST MAIN STREET.

Home 'Phone 472. It must be considered also that there has been a vast Improvement In the tenement system of New York City under a law recently passed by the legislature. The increase in that class of dwellings ia almost lncrodibba. Miles upon miles of new flats equipped with the "latest sanitary appliance rTfclE POLICEMAN and the most ingenious contrivEnefw Digests what yea Eat swer, 'Why, Eston The color of the bronze in the statue probably made the resemblance more perfect and striking. "Some time after my return from Washington, happening to have some business with Hemings, I told him of this incident.

answered Hemings quietly, 'my mother, whose name I bear, belonged to Mr. and after a Might pause, added, 'and she never was Mr. Hemings wife was lighter in color than her husband; indeed I am not sure that she was not a purely white woman. At any rate, tha children had scarcely a visible admixture of colored blood; and I saw and talked with one of the sons, during the Civil War, who was then wearing the silver leaves of a lieutenant colonel, and in command of a fine, regiment of white men from a north -western state. Ha begged me not to tell the fact that hi had colored blood in his veins, which he Raid was not suspected by any of his command; and of course I did not.

"This son, I have lately learned, iB now fairly wealthy) and is proprietor and landlord of a large and popular hotel in a certain north-western city. The landlord and the hotel bear a family name and the name is not Hemings. (V 1 43 I TOWN sia Cuipq Dyspenj to sive money and labor in living, have been constructed. The result has been a considerable abandonment of the old fashioned tenements downtown for the new ones farther uptown, and the difference in rerts is comparatively small, probably 5 or 10 per cent. There is no disputing the advance i'i the price of food p.upplies of all kinds.

BUSY MEN Niagara Knlis. On Saturday, August 2nd, the C. II. D. R.

R. will run their annual Niagara Falls Excursion. Pnrsengers from Chillicothe and stations Intermediate to Dayton will be handled on train No. 55, leaving Chllllcotho at a. and connecting at Dayton with a special train, which leaves there at 1:00 p.

arriving at Niagara Falls at 6:30 a. Sunday, Aug. 3rd. Arrangements have been made to run a sleeping car through from Chllllcothe to tho Falls, and space will be reserved In this car on implication. PareongerB desiring to stop off at Toledo on return trip, can do so.

The fare for round trip Is $0,50. There is one certa.u way of curing fadlROHtion and stomach trouble fhatlBjKlve your stomach a rest but still eat plenty of Rood food to keep up tho nourishment for your body. You can do this by using Kodol Dyspepsia Curb because It Is the one preparation which digest wha( youeai rlthout aid from tho stomach. Mature will then, repair your worn ouo digestive organs and restore them to healthy condition. It relieves that feeling of fullness, belch in? and distress after eating.

"I suffered with dyspepsia a great many years. 1 tried many remedies without relief until I used Kodol Dyhpkpkia Cuius. My health hat improved and I now feel like a new man. B. J.

Flcmmlngr, Murray, Neb. It can't help but do you good Prepared by E. O. PeWItt OhWo. The 11, bottle coiiUlim2H time the 50c.

tVhen you need a soothing and healing application for piles, antfskln tases, use DoWITT'S Witch Hazel SALVE. Beware ot counterfeit James A. Herllhy, 372 E. jviam St. R.

H. Lansing ft Paint St. This Question am! Chillicothe Citizen's Should Weigh Profit by a Experience. A lame or aching back Is a cap. Drive the ache away and "Eston Hemings, being a master of This orllliant man walks up and down Upon the streets of Spotless Town.

The glitter of his shining star Arrests attention from afar. It Tights the beat and goes to show That naught can beat SAPOLIO A housekeeper's attention Is in- cf nnt1t airatit a A Kt rcn rl i i nn rf trip the violin, and an accomplished 'caller' of dances, always officiated at the work a pleasure. Learn what backache means. Learn that the backache Is kidney nche. fcwell' entertainments of Chllllcothe; PHILIP BRUNNEP.

and they were more frequent thou shelves, paint, windows, and tins in Learn how to shake It off. Learn how a Chillicothe citizen than now, I think. "But notwithstanding all hid ac complishments and deserts, the fact remained that he had a visible admix ner neighbors kitcnen. unese mar good housekeeping. No matter how fine the rest of the house may be, if the kitchen is not clean it shows the worst kind of tinthrift.

A basin of water, a cloth and SAPOLIO will save you from this reproach. LARGE REDUCTIONS IN SUMMER CLOTHING ture of negro blood in his veins, In Chillicothe before the war, betweon those who had, and the whites even the lowest of them there was a great gulf, an impassable gulf; and E3ton did 4t. Mr. David Mayhugh of 20 East Second street, says: Donn's Kidney Pills are by far the most valuable cf the many kidney remedies I ever used. Not only did they prove auc-tessful In banishing the backache, hut they also relieved me of almost constant headaches.

Three bnx procured at R. II. Lansing drug store (now W. F. Sulzbacher's) brought about the above results.

I always kwp Doan's Kidney Pills on hand, and whenever I feel the sllght-rst symptoms of recurrence a few doses never fails to ward off an attack." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-MIlburn Buffalo. N. sole agents for the United tnte.4; Remember the name Doan's and take no substitute.

and Furnishing Goods. We mention here only a few of the Many Bargains we are offering. Hemings quietly moved away from Chillicothe, and I believe, told no one whither." YOU'LL BE SOKBY TWO BANKS HAVE FAILED vHEN IT RAINS IP YOU PONT HAVE Jk. TUB CEN'JINB (Continued, from second pagt.) ll creased among householders, as well as at the restaurants and at the hotel, 'ivm. end hai quite kept pace with the increased wages.

A committee of one of the charitable societies in this city Boys' White and Colored Hoft Bosom Shirts at 4j each Boys' Wool Crash Suit worth $0X0, at Children' Wash Suits worth 75c, at i'5c Children's Wash Knee Punt worth 25c, at. 15c Children' Wash Waist worth 50c, at ECo And a great many other articles ut VEKY LOW PRICKS. It will be to your advantage to give us it call, a we are going to sell all summer goods at very low price, CLOTHING TO fPFP YOU DRY Men's Coat end Vest, were worth $1.00, at 50c Men's White Vests were worth $1.50, at, 00o Men's Flannel Goats and rants were worth 8.00, at $6 59 Men'H Blue and tlray Coat and Vest were worth $0 00, at. Guaranteed not to fade Men's White and Colon Poft Bosom Shirts at 45s each All new and desirable patterns. Boys' blue, gray and other fashionable 'shades.

Blue Flannel Coat and I'ant were worth $8, at. $8 50 ON Miss Kutt I see. Miss Oadsby has a new gown. Miss Snarl I presume it Is ft cheap-looking affair? Miss Kutt Ilathor; It'soff the same piece as your new on. has begun a careful investigation, which is still In progress.

The offi MAM Oil WET WORK, cials cannot give any definite results AN MOW Wt OUR CUARANTK. A. tf. TOWER POaTtN. nw Try Mrs.

Austin's Quick Lunch Tapioca, the new dessert. Reedy In a minute, no soaking required. A'l srocers sell it. MISS I TIN nMlVk Tlitt It the (III tallil vtry raUlbl LI II lor men. It cow si sciemmc ana at present, because the returns are Incomplete and Imperfect, but speaking generally, they expect to show an average advance of not less than 25 per tent within the last five years.

A portion of the advance, however, they explain Is more apparent than real. The working people are living than formerly, and are getttlng more for their money. The increase In wage nnd the certainty of employment en-ebks thos5 whose Incomes are always more or les precarious to imlulite l.i letter houses, better clothing, and better food than they.were accustomed ia btfore the present conditions of perlty set In. No man ned be wlth- I -the THE GOLDEN EAGLE CLOTHIER Maladies jure, the effect and the best method of cur- "What an old dunce I am," said the hen. "What now?" asked the roouter, "Why, I have been sitting on a set of ping-pong ballH for two weeks, thinking they werp eggs." It excites tho wonder of tho world, a remedy, liquid electricity, Rocky Mountain Tea.

that drives nway suffering and disease. Rocky Mountain Tea 35c. A. D. Howson and James Herllhy.

Next door to Bee-IIive Store, PHILIP BRUNNBR, l'rop'r POISON, NKRVO-8RXUAU and ataodate diseases and weak; Jesses. No man should tw without If. All hae It fret by describing their to its author, the acknowledged American Maattr Specialist on Male Seaual Diseases, DOCTOR W. A. COOK, 616 Vine Street, Cincinnati, O.Call or write lo mentioning this papery.

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