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Chillicothe Gazette from Chillicothe, Ohio • 5

Chillicothe Gazette from Chillicothe, Ohio • 5

Chillicothe, Ohio
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I. i 1 1 ft rbj i I William Green, Herniary of the Un LEGGIONRE fog Tomans sura Tho nic'al in given for the htglw eU achievements in applied science and in named for sir- William Parkin, a dltitlnRu'lshod chemltt and dli-covwr of th; fhvt liroeewa for th3 liava been swept away by unemployment and under-einploymeait. For example, the textile workers to the number of 1,053,000 received In the earlier months of the year, advance wages totaling 580,001) jw erk. Tho greater number or mills arte now running only threw days a week until country dittiiets offer extra compensation for tho -i tnoir 'teachers niuet undergo. What teacher will remain in the rural ciis-trlets- 'boarding walking to.

school In Country eiulurttig ilts-oroust weathpr when Blie can get tcr hlgho'" cultural environment aiicl grcuitr comfoifH In a city?" Tho grand march held Green Intimated that inclusion but tlimclng will 'begin a', of any antl-ntrike provisions Inthe1 Red Circle Club Gives II I' UIIU tlllL IT AtSO Leper Coloiy, l' Zt' W01Rers r(' advances to the amount 'of ruirinir tho business moctlujr of lho.tho awards). ana it is well wuhi.i tii mark to, put the loss from under-eiuplovment: 1,000,000 aw "In tho engineering and fthipbuUd-i just uy uncTupioyment and mirier rmplojnnent. Hock workers 'have- had the, rame sorry experience and the lf'BSon which carries is that in competitive trades tho wage- earlntr f.dvam'0 iaa inor Hod Circlo Club Monday evening, ucvoral matters of Importance wore lipoucht before tho members. Dr. Kate Platter, who talked before tbo club at Its last mooting 1h a mom-' ir of th "Hold I'ig Club," tint had Us origin In thoact of a little boy can only bv maintained on an output of corresponding value." who kept hlH pennies, la a gold plR.Jr'UD n.0UMV- tl" The first savings of this boy were' hav their membership' cards ready nnt to one of tho leper colonies Iujfor dtrplay to tht' attendant to avoid India, and at that time the firm Gold tll 0Bl fusion.

Club' was organized. It now numbers thousands In Its member-' Vhiiing iMcr. and Pr. Platter has Interested! Mr. aM Mra.

Mas Johnson, of tho girls cf tho Red Circlo Club in Third i-treet4. have as guests the cauwe. Sho has sent the club a MIsh Marc.ella Mertz. of Chil- I ld pig, and the members will drop1 their smalt change in it, the money to be ued for thfi leper victims In India. Mian.

Kirk announced that next Monday night will be. Sorvico Night for the club and each member is ex- D(eted to take or send as many pon-l io i I During the year C53.700 workers! hflt'A nlvfnl.tC.l 'l xkiiuu BBBit'tjiue reduction 2,071,200 hours aw eck. Although the're have been more industrial disputes than in lins the number of working days lost by (Strikes shows adJinunllion. Tiievn were l.BG.I disputes during the rear i t. nwiu nays were lost the latter being swelled by coal strike October and Novembe.

i.iiiccgo, Jan. 3 1. uunui'aee or Associated -Poor i rural schools are responsible for ai largo part of the huge national drift' of farm people to the cities and thai first Rtfn in lnn to the land" mnmmAnt lrt tw IiJV tne glSl Of a. report made tO tllfti rkers sHSaose! ORIFTTORITYi mtm mm i to the InconJenln, cordlns hrv Kl 3 and! they undergo in their work. This is! 1 n'a, rynn to the I Amer-ean Federation work.

Thin is 1 changed from Thursday to Wed I pent 10 inn rt-nuius uuu ii muv. htarvlng European Children. txnth tiintiincf not manv months In nies an ih tho distance, the club Is beginning tolEttUlUSiastic Meeting Of ronslder plans for a summer District Nlir8CS and a committee, of which Miss Clara Tuttlo Is chairman, has been appoint select a Kite tor tn camp onc, WIH be assl-twl by 41 ib Minnie iral and Miss Agnes Following Ui meeting ey's Honey and Tar for Coughs and. Bnrt it one of tho beat remedies on rw wm of tne mrmom businPS3 and election of of-rive tables, white others danced. Qrom hW(l a most' jnterwtlnsf talk by Miss Laura Uigan, superintenil- en's coughs, as it does not contain r.irl.uUiy Party.

The Cwi Gabls club girls had a parly at the Welfare House for Miss May Mathlas, one of its members, Faturday evening. American Federation of Teachers by. Hard Coughing racks a child's bodv Meut Secretary Josephine Colby here and disturbs strength-giving uX y' 'and, tho poisons weaken the system One of thq main reasons for that disease cannot be warded ofr. desertion of farms by young and Jor! ako Foley's in time. Mutchler ward looking married couples is that, Miarmacy.

eod country schools cannot comnare, under existing conditions, with city cchools in clvinir rliihl Ity for develooment sho It wan a birthday party ami me in promoting tno i-Buiunaiinuiiit, ui ten girl spent the time very mer-' better training schools and the re-rily making taffy. Miss Margaret fcruiting of nurses. Marzluff directed tho amusement of! Officers were elected as follow.v. tho evening. President, Miss Helen Van Meter; i vice-president, Mian Celinda Dunbar; Mr.

and Mrs. William Llghtell i pecrotary, Miss Bernadette Garrett; (Geraldino Coffman) and member of i treasurer, Mrs. Joseph Allen, their theatrical company are spending The trustees chosen for the com-n few days with Mrs. Lightell's grand Ing year are: Mrn. Harriet Fenzei.

motherMrs. A. Harlow aud moth- Mrs. Georgo Mytingcr, Mrs, Florence ef, Mrs. Maude Coffman.

Washing- i Paulus, Mrs. Robert Steele, Mrs. ton C. H. Herald.

Metzger of Wayerly, and. Mrs. J. L. 'V Raum.

tuivu.v ui situation snows thati even now when unemployment and! jwago cuts are more prevalent in tho, cities, there has been no correspond-1 ing slump In the nhlft of the rural'1 population the urban centers. Country and small town sehoo continue to, grow worera because jjheir trained teachers go to the larger cities where higher pay pre Isf vans' ana oecause the teachers thcyij secure ore far moro poorly prepared A than ever before. 5 the teacher shortage be-iX came eo acute the large cities havoifl TtiE YOONfl LADY ACROSS THE WAY i THE YOUNG LADY ACROSS, THE i WAY. Pirn vnimr Isldv SITUaS thfl WaV S3VS he leliovea In reasonable Sabbatli bacrwancc ail rigru, duc me rnuiwun Avho are trying to force the uidii)r an us we going too far. H.j IT'S GOOD FOH cHILDRny.

lj- ocnwao, itfii inn nr, inrao nan fnllnwa unMi VXVtVSVWVX-SCSW YOUR QUESTJON NO. 3 "What Is OUR-- ANSWER "It is a 5j i 5 pc permanent fund, subscribed and paid and increased from time to time for the protection of your deposits. It is now moro.than Ohio State Savings Association 41 Rroad. Columbus, O. Resources 00,000.00 Capital nnd Surplus, $300,000 Read The Gazette Want Ads Youthful.

Springtime models have been fashioned of these two fabrics which arc setting the, vogue. The new modes arc captivating, carrying back to the early part of the nineteenth century for their inspiration. Kitted bodices and full skirts fashion the picturesque new silhouette ifeT" with infinite picturesque variety in detail. I i CIS ited Mine Workers of America, had ben recallud to complete his state- yesterday before the; committee, While, espresHlng uoj opinion to tho meritr- of tho billj Calder bill would he fought by or-; ganlzed labor. Welfare Association Fund.

Last report H. K.1 Hartley $25.00 J. R. Bock 10.00 Mrs. M.

Hopewell. 25.00 60.00 $2000.17 Total numbei1 persona ing, 23, 1 ('has. M. Haynes, Treas. A Hon Born.

There was born to Mr. and Mrs. Valloe Hale (Mabel Moore at the City Hospital, Sunday morning, a ron' and their rrlendn are extending congratulation to the proud parents and do not forget tho happy JIJII UU1, TV! on1 Mr H'I'Pfl I lllll't. TOESTABLI CLOSER RELA Washington, Feb. l.

(Ry Associated PreTfl) Doctors F. II. Martin and Thomas J. Watkins, attached to the, staff of the American College of Surgeons, are enrcuto to South America on' the steamship Ebro on a mission tho object of which is tf establish closer relations between the American and rlmllar institutions o' the southern continent. Tho sur geons, who sailed from New Yort Saturday, will visit Callao, Antofa gasta, Valparaiso, Reunos Aires Montevideo and Rio do Janeiro.

Six Hum In One Family. Rarre, Feb. 1. (Dy Associat rd Prers.) Six out of the ten mem bers of the family of Henry Martel were burned to death and two other; wero fieriowiy burned when fire de Etroyed their home at Rochester, 41 miles from here today. CCOtlTZ TESTIFIES TO Washington, Feb.

1. (Ry Associated Press) Admiral R. E. Coonts chief of naval operations and Ad mlral David W. Taylor, chief con truc.ter of tho navy were amonf thosa listed to a pear berore the sen ate naval committee today in conhec tion with the commlttee'B considers Hon of the Borah resolution provid Ing for a six months suspension naval building pending an lnvestiga Hon of the most practicable typet of ships.

To NatlonaliMt Manilla, P. Nov. 30. (Corres pondence of tho Associated Press). A movement has been started to re organize the Nationalist party, thi party now In power, insofar as Itr management and direction are con cerned.

It Is planned to elect a chair man of a national committee and form an organization patterned oftc' the governing bodies of the Republi can and Democratic parties of the United States, Sergio Osmena, speaker of the house of representatives, Is now prcs Idc nt of the party, but tho new piar la to' make an official of the govern ment ineligible as chairman of the national committee of the party. The Insular convention of the Na tionalist! Party will be held at tho end of January, 1921. and It Is said tht reorganization of tho managemen of the narty will bo tho most Impor tant business to come before the cm vetition. A Want Ad Will Do Wonden B. GREENBLAT Ladies' Tailor inn'i X.

High st. Columbus, Obi Announces THAT he Is now In New York selecting woolens and fashions for the coming senson nnd will be In Chlllicolho with a moKt unusuut display of fine Imported and domestic woolens, Watch paper for further SH TIONSWHS.A. HOLIDAY COHI CEtVESWORDS OF PRAISE For its Memorial 'Asking Treatment For Sick Soldiers Indianapolis, Jan. 31. (Correspondence of The.

Associated Press) The American Legion has received mpro than, a hundred favorable answers to its memorial calling attention to the bituation which rurrounds tho rehabilitation of disabled world! war veterans accord in i tr Galbraith, national eomnrinder of the legion. Tho memorial was prosented to the President, Prcrii- dent-elect and Congress. According to Mr. GalbrtltU practically all of the letters- from the secretary to tho President, from Senators, rcprcsentatksv iud heads of various government departments and bureaus stated that the writer was squarcly-behind the Legion's national plan of rehabilitation. The memorial outlined the situa-i in regard to the disabled BJ uou in reguru.iu tne aisaoietl sug A 1 gestfl a remedy and urged the sup-! port of tho President and the Con-i sress.

Copies of tho memorial are being distributed to all departments of tho Legion and to patriotic and ciivc organizations in 1,500 cities. Letters of approval received at National headquarters of tho Legion iere include those from Senators Vllliara S. Kenyon, Robert M. La-Follette, Medill McCormlck, Harry 3. New and T.

J. Walsh, Detroit Rides On Its Own Cat's. Detroit, Feb. 1. (By Associated Press.) Detroit's muuieipal-'y-owned street railway lausiness was formally placed In operation to-lay.

Service was begun over 13 miles of track completed since last A.pril, when tho. voters authorized i bond issue of $15,000,000 for a 'ystem of 100 miles. A IluKj' Tlmo Mappe Out Columbus, Feb. 1. (By Asso-'ated Press.) "Proposed adoption the soldiers' bonus resolution in ho senate and action on the Tafti 111 to authorize municipalities toj ssue deficiency bonds for 1021 tpcrating expenses in the house wcrej ho outstanding measures on today's egislalivo calendar.

American Legion representatives jacking tho bonus resolution were onfident of favorable action in the enate and expect to press tho rcsolu Ion for adoption in the house this eek If dented it would authorize een. arptcu it wouici auinonze he submissioa to a vote of the pco le of a constitutional amendment, of $23,000,000 bond issue, creating i fund which would pay to each ex- irvlce man and woman in the state a month for each month's acr- hut nnt nnrn SSfiO to no person. It was reported today that there ould be opposition on tho floor of, he senate to the provisions in thej esolutien authorizing those who dot ct dosiro the honus to assign theirt hare to a soldier's hospital fund or 0 soldier organizations. The Taft cities relief bill is made 1 special order of business for 2 'clock in the house this afternoon, armors and real estate Interests in Cleveland and other cities will op-ose the Taft bill it Is said. 'A Bclh the senate and house meet at o'clock this afternoon.

A bill Introduced In the senate late esterday by Senator Eiidley would stablish a uniform course of procedure for air municipal' courts In )hlo and provide that future mu-ilclpal courts can only be. established by acts of city councils after a of the people has authorized It. Thq Miller bill proposing an excise ax em mineral production In 'Ohio was opposed before the eenute tas tlon committee last night by Ohio coal operators and miners. A resolution by Reprenentatlve At kinsou, minority floor leader in the house, proposing an investigation of ho state eil inspector's! department 'jeeause of a letter written by Ktn.lo Oil Inspector, II. Walker, ordor-lg suspension of the ptale oil ln-Introduced In the hotifse yesterday, was to come up for adoption in the house today.

The house was also expected nrlontion Of tho llopley i resolution proposing an Investigation 'cf Ibe staff highway department. Uln The IVvkln Medal, i NVw York, Jan, 31. (CorMs-i po'ubMirp of Associated Tress. I nr. Willis U.

Whitney, of Schenec- tddr, N. inventor of a detector for' giving warning of the approach I of has been awarded the iPerkin Wold one of the high-i est In sconce, In recognition of his tminv Inventionr, through I which he hnil applied chemistry to service of mankind. 1 I Ih in I i i nuinul'uctun) of miillnii dye from coal tar. ThV detector, which was put into practil Vindication during th'j 'Kuroppan War at the r.tution of tho L'uited States, probably Mr, Whitney's best Known invention. As a member many Ho is now director nf Hid research laboratory of tho General Klectrlc Company at Schenec tady, N.

Y. Dr. Whitney, who was born Jamestown, N. is a director the Ameilcan Chemical Society, which he was presidmit in 11)00. in Manila, P.

Nov. 30. -(Correspondence of the Associated Press). The city council today adopted a resolution requesting the legislature to pass a law which would make Gover nor General Francis Uurton Harrison, d0-ntP'1 H0U of the l'mntt Is' lands The resolution in part eays: "The being a people that know how to appreciate whatever is done for the advancement of their country, and Governor General Harrison having labored constantly to this end ever since tho memorable day that ho stepped for the first time up-on our shores, should express, In a permanent way, their gratitude toward Governor Harrison. The Filipino people desire to have an undying memory of personality, in as much as it is not possible for him to stay with us as long as we should like.

The best manner to show to Governor General Harrison our appreciation and admiration for him is to make him, by law, an adopted son of the George I.eist Will be in Room 2, Carlisle Rlock, over Central Pharmacy to help patrons fill income tax returns every Wednesday and Thursday. London, Jan. 14. (Correspondence) of The Associated Tress) llritish labor has gained a great 'advrnco in wages as well as a further shortening of working Hours iaa wv l' 1 r(ging tj(B of in wages during 1920 have amounted to nearly 5,000,000 and effected 7,47,000 workers. A labor correspondent of the Liver-iwii Post however, that "it is probabjy a inodest estimate to say that tho whole of thee- wage increases Mrs, SELGHERT'S mm Was Restored to Health by Lydia E-Pinkham's Vegetable Compound TWimn.

Wis. younjtdauehtcr had been troubled for several months Willi um-Katiii; nuuu bad feelirie: in her stomach. When Bhe pot to the table to i eat rshe did not want anything, while before she wan so hun- gry she could hardly wait for her dinner, The doctors gave her medicine but it did ndt help her. Ono day I 'was reading a little book of yours i which was left on my porch and it reminded me that when I was a youmj itirl I took several bottles of Lydia L. Pinkharn'a Vegetable Compound, bo she went to the drug store and got bottle and after the second one she could eat and has not had backache since.

In all sho took six bottles of it. She rocs to school and on Saturdays helps with the housework. She is a normal, healthy mr now and we recommend your medicine. Youhava my permission to publish this letter as a testimonial for the Vegetable Compound. "-Mrs.

Frank Bv.y chert. 150 Larabce Iloncon, Wis. Mothers all over the country have found Lydia E. I'inkham's Vcjfetabta Compound to be a most reliable remedy for such conditions. UflCfprn 0,1 llUIIUIft llbOIUlll, Schedule llre ljr 80, 1020.

West ImiuihI i No. 3, daily a. m. Ko. 33, daily 8:40 a.

No. 1G, dally 6:00 p. m. Mast Hound Wrt ifl. dallv 940 ft.

m. i 'it fl'tn tt m. itv. 9 mi uau; No. 4, daily i 10:33 Trains No.

3, 4,. IB and 18 ars thmugh trains between Coluibus and Norfolk with raiiman tupt UiA dlnlnr wm Jrtw)c- ertt, W. C. SAUNPKR3, O. IV JNO, L.

IILAUKW, A. ho nNval Consuim. Hoard, ha also i i. i radio telephony and radio telegraphy while the conflict with Germany was FILH0SI1T TnannaTnni a 13 uj a ii vur ri a is ti ii: iww in at vt i I of in 1 I mo-Rrand march will bo i mean of passing in re- view lxtoro the to determino mi1 AU niaslcors- aro urged to sock entrance at the main auditorium on the west side of the "building, where the identification committee, will have Its ElltinS-' t'nmakecl members should enter ct 1Uo portico entrance to tho necme, ancvur. i.narjes mini oi ht.

Missionary. Society Meets. tSr'oclciy of Trinity chun.h will met Wednesday afternoon at o'clock jat tho home of Mrs. J. D.

Wlthgott, 1 I20C Caldwell street. Tho day has; -ENTHUSIASTIC No; Qio AgjwU (jf 0raJuatP heid their annual meeting at the Welfare. Housn Monday afternoon and after the ent of the Cincinnati General Hospital. Miss Logan talked on the Florence Nightingale Centenary Foundation and urged the co-operation of tho nurses of District No. 7 OBITUARY Mi's.

Hl Jones. Mrs. Sadie Jonef, wifo of Cleveland Jones, 157 N. Watts etreot, paesed away at tho City Hospital, Monday night at 10:45 o'clock. On last Thursday the deceased was operated upon but mirgery was not effective In an effort to save her life.

Mrs. Jones was the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. David Saltz and was born 9, 1800. Her death leaves her hueband, four small children, ono sister, Mrs. David Seymour.

Ashville; four brothers, Riley, Ashville; Chilltcothe, and Raysvllle. to lament their, loss. Funeral services will bo conducted i by Adjt. Caugh at tho residence on Watts t-treet, Wednesday morning at 1 10 o'clock. Interment In Green- lawn.

yii'H. Jennie Greene. The euctden death on Monday evening of Mr. Greeno, at her home, 53 Second street, Is a great to her frlendr. Although Greene had bwn seml lnvallded for many years, her condition on Monday afternoon was not alarming and when Deaconess Lydia Poore called there about three o'clock, she found her in her usual spirits.

About seven o'clock', some "friends discovered that omo time after three o'clock she had passed away, Mrf, Greene" wan ft daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Lunbeck and was born near till city 70 years ago. After her.marrlage to Robert Greene Ihey went to tWaverly, where they were raiding ftfrne of his death, eight years arier their marriage. Since that, time Mrs.

Green? has lived In tjtlfi" Hty." Mr, Jcrre 1 Limbeck, brother, Isthr Only sur-j vlvlnp, relntlW i Hho wns ft" lire Jong arid failhful member of he Presbyterian church 'and funeral serviced will be there Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'cloc k. Interment in fJrnndvtcvr. Vleu-s Of Orfrnnlml Iilmr Wellington, Feb. 1. (By Assocl-j atcd Press) Views of organized U-j bor on provisions of the Calder biitj for regulalion of the coal Indusiry were sought further today by the; senate committee considering the; measure from.

Samuel Icbmt of tho American Federation of; liflbor'. I r-rfor trt MVnomperV appesranco surpassed the rural districts in rais ing salaries, with tho result that they have drawn practically all competent teachers away from the little red school The average salary of teachers in one-room rural schools is than $G00 per year. Tennersee, for Instance, has r.n average of $258 per teacher yearly nnd 1.1 states tank below that. Pennsylvania reports a lack of 7S per cent in rural and elementary This means that country children suffer In comparison with "This wrong will not be righted The New Season's Favored Fabrics Taffeta and Canton Crepe in Smart Street Frocks Ahi Will Meet at Parish House. St.

Catherine's Guild of St. Paui'3 church will meet at the Pariah House, Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock, and all members are espee ially urged to attend. Plans for Inten work will be discussed audi arrangements made for the murfcalo which will be given next Monday evening by Mrs. Frank Stevenson tinder the auspices of the Guild. ir W.

IL C. Meeting. There will be a regular meetingl of the. Women's Relief Corpir, Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. it Sr PanIellenlc Meetjn Tho meet lug of the Pan-Hellenic Society has boon postponed from Wednesday evening- to Monday evening of next -week, because of tho conflict with the Elks' masque ball tomorrow evening.

THE EUs'litSK BULL TOMORROW Tho committee! In charge of the Elks' Mask Rail at the Elk Halt, Wednesday evening, hare reports which Indicate that tho function will be the most largely attended IClk function given by the Lodga and (hat She rpiritfof ro-operatlon Is so Btrong that our-flfth of those who intend to be thero have arranged lo come in coitnme and masked, and more, each one In coming with an Idea to have merry, carefree time, and thl as the commltteo tfosircVU to be, With that sort of Tlrlt dominating, an osturetl fact that the good, time Is going to be A 9 Economy In Your Table Drink is best found in vthepurctae of atinof Instant Postum Rich flavor-No Waste Made easily and quicWy AskYourGrocer 1 i i mm A WA If ltd' ft Taffetas and upward; Canton Crene. and, upward STORY, BRANDLE STORY I i.

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