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Chillicothe Gazette from Chillicothe, Ohio • 8

Chillicothe Gazette from Chillicothe, Ohio • 8

Chillicothe, Ohio
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PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY SCIOTO GAZETTE, EVENING, DECEMBER 29, 1921. Matinee TnfiZ2? A BAN INTO LIVE WIRE IN THE DARK have a regrettable effect upon the at-j tjtude of. the America people toward 1 many important problems," and claims that Great Britain will be obliged, however, reluctantly, 1 to build both submarines and light KOYAL IOC STAR 15c 1 PERU PROPOSES 0. S. PRESIDENT 2:30 6:45 THEATRE cruisers to an amount commensurate with the French figure.

TONIGHT ONLY Charles Huf chins The newspaper sees in the tone of Douglas Hatfield, tiding a bicycle ran into a live wire Wednesduy night at midnight on the corner of Brown 11 flUlJI I LU tbe speeches in the French senate II il tf HI I II yesterday an indication that If the ell and Water streets, lie claims the French government had abated its in wire was' Ranging low and that he could not dlscert it, owing to its be full claim advanced at Washington I it would have been liable to an lm- ing in a shadow and that when he 99 mediate overthrow. The Times also struck it the light on the corner "Hurricane Hutch Lima, Peru. Dec. 29, (By the Asso-i reruses tne uiea reported to nave ciated Press) Peru in a new notaj been suggested in Washington that to Chille pri poses that the president! France hopes to use the submarine "IP IT'S TIIH BENT, WK H.WH IT" TODAY and TOMORROW William Fox Presents: MARK TWAIN'S. GREATEST COMEDY A GonriccHcut Yankee went out.

Hatfield was uninjured. The power company was notified and a man sent to repair the light and restore the wire to its proper or tne united States be asked to art! question ai me pannes conierence as a fhal arbitorator of all differ-j the basis-for bargaining. ences between the two France's attitude Is strongly con- place. no appeal being allowed from his de-demned by the liberal newspapers iCision. The note is in rsply to Chile's which regard her as having adopted Mijk Report for December 27 Fat Total Setl- llac.

communication accepting tne prm-; tamer alistic. a ms such as she at- The first number of the greatest chapter play we have ever shown. ASK THE BOYS! "Over The Fence With HAROLD LLOYD. And "TRAPPING BOB CATS" solids inient jHvi c.c. ciple of arbitration and the plan tributed to Germany.

The Westmin- UAdams Cry. 4.7 14.11 2.00u that each country name a plentpoi-' ster Gazette says that if France de- onuaiy to meet ashmgfen to liberately chooses to Dursue her own Bats, ....3.9 12.70 Brown a 15.00 Dennewitz 14.30 Hoffman .4.3 13.95 1 establish "the basis and purpose' i course regardless of her neighbors of hrbitration. she cannot coniDlain If she finds her The Peruvian reply proposes that1 self isolated both morally and ma Miller 46 14.30 in order to avoid the danger of terlally. IN KING ARTHUR'S COURT Its a Film Supreme. A Gigantic Spectac A i a 1..

i 148,000 200.000 2,000 12.000 16.000 96,000 7,000 8.000 3,00 4,000 misunderstanding through dilrectj "President" Harding Is not likely negotiations, each nation helorei to accept this rebuff and admit him- xv oupcxu oitute. vuineuy oi nignest Hilariq naming a pienipouarp came 10 beaten bv one European dissen Mangle .4,4 13.84 2 8P. M. CO. .3.9 13.35 2 Rhodes .,5.5 15.95 3 Shook 4.7 14-45 2 Somers 3.3 12.50 1 Wagner 4.7 15.47 2 tt Pasteurized.

B. F. KEITH- MA EQTir i CHUCKLE, LAUGH AND ROAR f4-w; ueni. actas tne uazette, ana, rererr- jsent of the United States for holding i jng to the report that Mr. Harding the negotiations in Washington, andmay seek another conference: "In also asking Mr.

Harding to act as. this he will have the cordial support arbitrator. 0f Great Britain and we believe ul- UilJiiUllU VAUDEVILLE Admission Adults. 50c: Children. Tuberculin Tested.

F. I. Mayer, Bacteriologist timately of the great majority of Eu- ropean TOD A FRIDA SA TURD A JEAN LEIGHTON -r- And Her Five Honey Boys UPHELD SMALL Says the Daily Chronicles: "It is term 2 years, with bond of $500. KSTONKOTES present' and after a fine social useless to try to find pretty names for PRESKVT: INDICTMENTS Clerk's salary $125 as clerk of coun-1 the boys were all ready for i extra-as rtjerk of sink-' freshmenti which were serv( WOund linstes" allowed goipc to their h'oraee. 0 per; term BE Ik M'A TEMPLE OF MINSTRELSY 2 -yea a.ui 2 ye will be a baskft fcftt-amU aff Goth's Hall Friday rntriKln 1 i i.

-v. u. u. ivuSCUOOlU 'De6 As the plain, ugly-fact that by the French action the great party of world's hope for limiting naval; expenditures and the dangers of competitive rivalry is def acted. The question cannot be left where it stands for its cuts at the root of the Anglo French co-operatjon It la Impossible 'for Great Britain! to make farther financial sacrifices to-1 help rounc-ilniprv rriciivo ill? npn 30th, at 8:15, between the MenV jiiiiiB uiH Mam street iu lonie sociated Press.

)-i-Jndge Claire E. Edwards of the Circuit Court of Lake pieung anu iiqto exceed Z4 in tnernjmg, an upper story of three Vim KCIIlPETERS WEST Frank ds of Columbus and Kingston, C. Tfie team is made up of salaried player and a large guarantee 'tad tt "be VnfklA in Brat tViia tun, today upheld an indictment 'charging 'Len Smalt with 'ernbesile- year, answer-roll it. rail at' opening and adjournment to If receive pay. liotids 100.

1 interest (Jrouin '-llRTH-AyD MELODY The Masons will elv a hanniiw orr i France if she, is to spend tieTnoney lam ii sue, IS IV DpCMU Ulcf UJ VUWy .1 Quite at interest has develoiJ llnill-il fkC Affair 1 1 rvi'iikil rtm 'rtfxA 1. VL. taus acquired in building submarines eveninS at the High Sfnool r- our vu age the wednesdav mmt tf 5OO.O0O of state funds nd nine of the 13 counts of an' Indictment charging the' governor. lieutenant governor; Sterling and Yernor Curtis; a of Grant with conspiracy and operating a confidence MARY MILES MINTER HER WINNING WAY against the peace o. the u-.

ttU" u. lapie nave im fiw wno formerly attended ih eaclj. amoved frpm Dr. S. T.

Yaple's farm ftthe house formerly occupied by the numbers have grown until LORIVG WITT1CH. Violinist 'PATH 1-3 NEWS" All' Salaries t6 paid semi-' larger rooms in the churches Mr. ana jvirs. w. Hi.

huh. Mr. Frank Foster has rented Dr. Yaple's farm and will take possess ion at annually. had to be thrown open to care ti increasing attendance.

Buys Property Strawder Roseooom well Frank MtGlnnis purchased of Reed, citizen is quite sick at his honj Cory Wednesday. the one story house; high street. Mr- Roseboom ij game involving. $2,000,000 in state; money. They ordered the governor to trial January 9th on the $500,000 embei-zlement charge.

Judge Edwards sustained the attorney for the governor and Mr. Curtis in part by quashing an indictment Mr. and Mrs. John Ilolman scent Christmas with Mrs. Holman's brother, Mr.

John Crouse and family of WAIUllrAKIY NB'J YEAR'S EVE FOR TRAINEES The Comrades in. Service, a committee of local men who saw service in the army at one tim eor another, have arranged1 for a smoker in honor Philadelphia, Pa. charging them together with Mr. Ster-i Mr. Floyd Radcliff of Huntington.

on Aiain eireet. rnis wnat is; or our oiaest citizens and all known as the Julia Rperry property him a speedy recovery. and was recently purchased by Mr. Cory, when sold at public sale- Notice To The Public I 1 1 1 1.. tti West Virginia, Is spending the holi 'The Hous of Comfort I days with his parents, Mr.

and Mrs. I imam c. rii.Hon oi mui hi Fred Radcliff. wisnes to notify the public th an adjustment of the debt owed this country by foreign nations, but added: "It is impossible to expect these nations to pay at once, and to attempt to force them to do so would not only fail of the purpose, but would encourage an nfriendly relationship which would be entirely unnecessary, and which probably would not be overcome in many years." i Provisions of the new revenue act were defended by the s'shator, who said its primary pur'pose' was to "compel' economy of expenditure." He reriiarlced thfs' w'as not 'a "time to impose rew ind additional taxes, but one in which the burden should be Dr. R.

E. Mr. Floyd Rad Fntf i'ain-t J. McCullougU entertained this week his Sunday school class fo 20 ling with embezzlement of $700,000 and quashed 15 counts charging conspiracy and the one charging confidence games in the other Joint indictment. The charges against the governor, lieutenant governor and Mr.

Curtis centered around illegal practices dur hv no means implicated cliff and Miss Mary Holderman at trouble which was caused by thj tended the Charity ball at Chillicothe boys, at his home. All the boys were nixons or mis city. Wednesday evening ')' of the sutdents atSherman Tech I Lillian Yaple and Ruth Holderman New Year's Eve. iThe smoker to be are spending a few days with Dr ing the terms of Governor Small and Lieutenant Governor Sterling as state followed bv Watch nartv. and Mrs.

S. T. Yaple in Chillicothe. Miss Bess Crouse is spending the The alleged, illegal ope- in which the commlttee students. treasurers ration consisted of the "depositing in holidays with Mr.

John Crouse and family of Philadelphia, Pa. Hannan Ignition Compani Mrs. F. C. Leasure and two chil lightened-as 'much as possible.

After! reviewing the provisions of the law' dren, Emma and Dick spent Wednes he declared: 1 day in Circleville, the guests of Mrs. "In the light of experience the is Will Avis. Mrs. Robert Crvder and daughter. the Grant Park banX at Gran Park, a town of about 600 population, a sum of state money aggregating which was then loaned to Chicago packers on notes paying 7 to 8 per cent not more than 2 per cent of this interest was paid to the state, the Grand Jury claimed and the defendants were charged with retaining the remainder.

Tomorrow and Saturday GEORGE MELFORD'S Production: THE SEA WOLF By Jack London The greatest story of the greatest writer of -adventure, with an all star cast. 1 1 also )iAYi'ii "THE STORKS ii MISTAKE" rhe best comedy shown for months Tonight Only young ladies from this city and fn'ends" ofthe'cshdol will take part. The evening 'following the smoker will be -playing games "and dancing and 'will be under the auspices of the Recreational Division of the school, v' 1 c. G. A.

TJricker of the Veterans Bureau is expected at the school today to expedite, the work of preparing for the incoming agriculture1 students. He will assist the architects in select Ing the various buildings for divers Mrs. F. C. Leasure and! Automotive Electrical Engineers We Repair 5.

kirn A In i daughter Emma, spent Thursday Columbus. All Makes of. Magnetos. Carburetors. FR1 FORT 4-.

IF SUBMARINES sue here narrows down, to a simple question of honesty shall we adopt taxes hich can be enforced, or shall we continue tax laws which pretend to do' what they cannot do- In my opinicto', there was no escape from the conclusion that the" excess prof-Its tax sWould be repealed and the excessive surtaxes reduced just as rapidly piiblic opin-ioniwill permit- I make no concealment of mr personal opinion that the retention of the excess profits tax for 1921, and the failure to make more sweeping reductions in the sur- jt a unit mui (Cf purposes from1: the 'Base Hospital Gronn' whfch will 'he utilized 'hv the agticaltural department of the school. (Continued From First Page.) The head of this department has not Fix Salaries DELCOf REMY, CONNECTICUT SERVICE been named as vety but officials of the school are confident that he' will tte selected and sent on In time to assist in the preparations for the coming students. The presence of this offl- embodied in a report accompanying the letter, which is signed by Profes sor P. Goudkoff. chairman and M.

Council met the evening of tho'S 27th principally for the- purpose of i fixing the terms, compensation, audjjj bonds of the incoming officials. The mayor's salary was made $100 plus 4 Phone 668 66 East Water St. tax rates, are mistakes." Alexin and K. P. Lavroff, the twot cial during this period is absolutely other members of the delegation.

UIUUUU CV CD9U I AUI Vil.VV ICIil. essential and the bureau has been Th vAlnnmont of the mining auu-' man here at the i r. asked to send a earliest moment possible. iiiuusuj mil iiittivc me rm kooi vast market for foreign machinery," I ALLEGED BOURBON PRINCE VICTIM OF MOTOR ACCIDENT A New Year ee15oE Ct Cparamottnl Cpklum New rorlc, 21-i-( By Associate eil -Press) America-- instead tf a lapd. of and prosperity, has proved provlnce (Mdi jippointmonXahdaln to PrUl4 f.ouis 7jef r- J37' -') lSc 'and 2oc the report asserts, "and will permit the far east ofurnish the world with large amounts of oil, iron, lead, zinc and silver.

Every inducement miKi be offered for the investment of foreign capital from the various world countries and not from one alone." The report, recommenda fegnlatlon- by i international riagree, mentJOf the salmon fishing Industry th Siberian waters, urges friendly cof operation of foreign tapital. Ia the and declares that to re-establish the' tgherles- the- Japanese troops should I evacuated from and the lower part 6f the Amur'river. V. 'Tor the ratittnal utillaation Df the general naturaLresources of Siberia foreign capital must be available but its use must iiK'if tm tendencies." thiMrepArt continues. "Penetration of capital by any country which has special political Interests in 8iberla threatens to imperil Russian interests as a whole.

This could be proved by the condi The Quartermaster held a sale -of salvaged material ranging from scrap iron to old clothing Tuesday and the names of successful buyers were made public this morning; they are as follows: The Louisville Scrapiron Louisville, The Coulmbn.4 Wast Pa) t4mpany, Columbus, Ohio; Segal -and Sons, Chillclothe, Ohio; Ross County Supply company, Chillicothe, Ben Vincent, Chillicothe, Ohio; Kra-koff, Columbus, Ohlo; iSi R. Larrick, Chillicothe, Ohio." The' amount of the sale i was not made public but is understood that it was close to $3,000 i tt l( Levi Sultz 5 Levi Saltz, aged citizen died Wednesday at 9 at the home of his son; William Saltz of a Complication of ailments. He was aged 80 years. He is survived by three sons.

The funeral will be held from the residence 157 North Watts street at 2 p. m. Friday. Interment In Green-lawn. ue Dournon, wno today is lying in a lEelevue hospital cot, badly injured came to tho United States lasi filing -rnfrfcfciitative of a syndi fate asking Ho stimulate trade be a ti i i ii 'CALDERPREDiCTS 1 Oi'Tf'pH (rwrefl Thr3-rTTmrry-andthP-ttff1kaif I Yf6', TREATY WILL' PASS ssert'ng he was a half of Spain.

Shdrtlr artor Tils arrival announce- tjt rnn niTinnirinn nienl was he was to tnarry Mrs FnR RAT MRAT flM K. Archibald, widow of vii lini ll lUHl IUI1 Englishman and a resident ot this city, but in August there was a statement from Mrs. Archibald rrjttiat tne engagement had ben brok-tnC en. Of the Agreements of tions of the mining interests In Sag-t hallen after its occupation by Jap-' Jones Arms Conference on the Far East i Last night. Deputy Fire Chief "Smoky Joe" Martin was speeding to I a fire on Upper Broadway when, near Friends will.

regret to learn of the irorty-nrtli street, a man hurried out I from the curb, discarding the warn-Scnenoftoda, N. Dec. 29. (By i ing clang of the bell on the veteran AHSorlated Press Ratif iratiou by firefighter's mntnr. tl imil tint anese, tne tnrusnng oui imsaii fish Industries from the Pacific Coast by the pressure of Japan and the peculiar manner In which Japanese capital Is used throughout the Far East by banks that possess colonial tendencies.

n. death of Mr. Jesse Jones which occurred at his heme one mile east of Kingston on Thursday morning. Mr. Jones' death was sudden, as he had been 111 only since lait Sunday.

His wife 'and one son, Clarence, at home and one grandson survive. The funeral arrangements will be Announced later. to realize his danger until the machine was almost upon him, and then ma unnea staics senate or trie rour-liowor treaty relative to insular pos-Klnir In the Pa-lfle wns predicted by Senator Calder in an address he- hen Father tries to fix the Bell 1 he stopped. He was hurled forty feet by the impact, his left shoulder lore tne uoinry Hub hcro today. He was broken and he suffered internal until, howevor that amendment or re-' Inurljes.

It was Prince Louis. He bused his claim to relationship WAVNt nervations to 'he pact might ponM-bly be mail before consideration of in the upper honso of congre-n wns 'ompletel. with the Spanish sovereign on a romance between King Alfonso XII of Spain and a beautiful Roumanla girl, whose son was born in 1884. This was two year before a male heir to (the throne wa welcomed by the i'oya) household of Spain. Spanish "Having no colonies, Russia needs Siberia for the migration of surplus population of European Russia.

This migration increases Jn years of fluctuating economics conditions. In 1908 about 750,000 people came over the Ural mountains. "We urge the infallble observance of the agreement of 1896 regulating the relations between the Chinese Eastern railway and the Chinese government, the organization of a combined Russian-Chinese police, the regulation of legal rights of Russian citizens in Manchuria on the basis of the agreement of 1896 and the payment of debts for transportation of troops and cargo for the inter allied command which amounts to some 12,000,000 rubles." How many times have YOU fussed over a balky doorbell and ended by sending for an electrician, or by spoiling your clothes and temper? isn't necessary. The Wayne Bell ffi Winter WlH'at Arwnge Washington, Dec. 29.

(By Associated Press.) The area sown to winter wheat this fall la 44.293,000 acres which Is 1 per cent less than the revised estimates are sown in the fall of 1920, the department of agriculture announced today. The condition of winter wheat on December 1, was 76 per cent of a normal compared with 87 9-10 per cent a year ago and 85 2-10 two years ago. Hrlrfjy outlining the problems now V.fiore consress and the adinlnlvfra-tlcn, he declared reduction of th" nn-tutal cont of government below fUO.OOO.OOO would l.n a "gigantic TTANfrilKMt nutnorities here have not taken eer- iok for t.k.l auui-utii irouniM mui xne country wnr debt the man's claims to dirort vas liquidated, He said 1m favored llnhtp to Alfonso, but have admitted niourfutrtnttt forever. i in prince might be a scion of anoth bninrh of the Bourbon Attache, to regular lighting current. 'A about it.

The cost IrUlini MM ConiHas the High Price 'ti have raw tttrs ro see him be rVj lovn S( lling, 4 E. Water Rt. Phon 13-2t-ea-wR 1 London. Dec. 29.

News' of France's action before the washing-ton Armament conference in refusing td accept an allotment of submarines of less than 90,000 tons was printed in the London newspapers today. under captions Indicating disappointment. Editorial comment, however, was scanty. The Times, while avoiding any re DR C. V.

YAPLE DENTIST 26 ILMaln St, Phme 99. 19 E. Second St. THE ELECTRIC SHOP Phone i crimination against France, deplores! her decision, whclh It thinks, "may; i mm A-.

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